【同义词辨析】 2019-12-03 命令dictate-impose

dictate: implies an authoritative directive given orally or as if orally: in matters of love, do as the heart ~s.  

prescribe: implies an authoritative pronouncement that is clear, definite, and incontrovertible: the ~d procedure for requesting new supplies.   pronouncement公告声明a formal public statement,如the President's latest pronouncements about the protection of minorities总统最近发布的保护少数民族的公告

ordain: implies institution, establishment, or enactment by a supreme or unquestioned authority: nature has ~ed that we humans either swelter or shiver.  (institute创建体系等;制定规章等;开始开创to institute a system, rule, or course of action is to start it) establish也表示创建,但更强调长久稳固确立,即不但创建而且创立,如the committee was established in 1912这个委员会创立于1912年,如by then she was established as a star那时她作为明星的地位已经确立) 大流汗 打冷颤

decree: implies a formal pronouncement by one of great or absolute authority: the Pope ~d that next year will be a Holy Year.

impose: implies a subjecting to what must be borne, endured or submitted to: morality cannot be ~d by law.  道德无法由法律强行施加

dictate命令支配控制: 指口头发号施令,或支配控制,prescribe规定处方: 表示明确说明不容反驳的规定,ordain定立: 表示由最高权力创建成立施行的,decree法令政令: 指发布正式公告,如法令政令,impose强加: 表示必须承受忍耐服从

记忆方法: 1)首字母DPODI想成do dip蘸zhàn一下<==命令

         2)命令的意思是发布强制性公文mean to issue something to be followed, observed, obeyed, or accepted.     "命令(令)是国家行政机关及其领导人发布的指挥性和强制性的公文。它适用于依照有关法律公布行政法规规章;宣布施行重大强制性行政措施;嘉奖有关单位及人员,撤销下级机关不适当的决定。命令必须严肃审慎,不能滥用,错用。据《中华人民共和国宪法》和《地方各级人民代表大会组织法》规定:全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长、中华人民共和国主席、国务院总理、各部部长、各委员会主任可以发布命令。乡、民族乡、镇的人民政府、县级以上地方各级人民政府依照法律规定的权限,可以发布命令"